Saturday, October 29, 2005

I feel it is my duty to inform any readers out there that this Tuesday, November 1st, will be my birthday. Yes yes.

I shall quote a somewhat unknown yet highly wise internet being - kernal.
"I awoke to find a forest of grey hairs in my beard where once there were none, a little less spring in my step and a strange longing for 'comfortable lounge slippers'. 'What could be going on?' I asked myself. And then it hit me. It's my birthday. This may seem like a pleasant event to most of you, but I assure you it's not. In gay years I'm 182, and that doesn't exactly fill me with joy."

Friday, October 28, 2005

Damn you comment bots!

In like 10 minutes I got 3 spam comments, so I've added word verification to the comments. It's not really a big deal, and I hope it doesn't discourage anyone from commenting.

Links from today


-The Shining

-The ultimate wallpaper
