I'ma hit you with your own pimp!
To turn off the Error Reporting feature in Windows XP/2003 do the following:
Go to Control Panel.
Click System.
Go to the Advanced tab.
Click Error Reporting.
Click the "Disable Error Reporting" radio box, but select the "But notify me when Critical Errors Occur".
LED Throwies are an inexpensive way to add color to any ferromagnetic surface in your neighborhood. A Throwie consists of a lithium battery, a 10mm diffused LED and a rare-earth magnet taped together. Throw it up high and in quantity to impress your friends and city officials.
So, guys, I have some news. I know I usually don't talk much about stuff unless it's solid, but this is interesting, and I think you should know. I just got an E-mail about an interesting proposition.
* volsung_ perks up.Apparently, there are lesbians that want my 'hard cock.'
* volsung_ flips Paradox the bird.:) They want it 'now,' apparently, so the timetable is somewhat limited. Are you going to just take their offer as presented, or is there an opportunity for negotiation? I'm not sure. I'm sure your hard cock is in great demand. An exclusive deal might not be in your best interest. Last time I got an offer like this, there were some catches.
I recently received an e-mail from a woman named Lela Jenna, where she made fun of the size of my penis. Even though my penis has never met Ms. Jenna, she still had the audacity to write this:From: Lela Janna
Sent: Monday, April 26 11:32 PM
Subject: Ur Diicky Is So Smaall chief vibratile freeloader
The world most--effecctive male enhance-ment pi11
Increase the length of your DICCKY by 2-5 full inches
Thicken ur DICCKY and make it much fuller & harder
At first, I was hurt. "What's wrong with the size of my DICCKY?" I thought to myself. "No woman has ever made fun of my length, nor my girth."
"At least, not to your face," added my ruthlessly cruel self-esteem.