Friday, March 31, 2006

I Wanna Love You Tender

The 80's Finnish group Armi & Danny released the greatest video clip ever, and that ever will be.
That video is like the Rosetta stone for Finnish weirdness.


Liquid Condoms

* Insert your Asian-related joke here *
I would, but I'm just too impressed.

Thursday, March 30, 2006


A nifty zen-full balancing game.
Keep everything out of the water.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Little Britain

The British Train has a line of new commercials who's main theme is that Britain has now gotten small, what with the quality public transport and all.
Probably NSFW for sound.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

French Sling

With all that time spent not showering the French have come up with an awesome pastime. I scribbled on the picture, simply because I can.

Bullet Time

Are you quick enough to dodge an oncoming bullet?
I dominated for a while. Then I got shot in the face.

Monday, March 27, 2006

I present you with the best fight scene ever. In all cinematic history.
Cue in transvestite about half way through.

I thought it could be fun embedding stuff, so here goes. The link will take you to a spanking new "Aura Video". Feel free to complain or praise this extreme move.


Sunday, March 26, 2006


The few of you who actually know me personally know I'm about as far from religion as can be. Bearing that in mind - I liked this poem very much.
This Joyce Kilmer died as a soldier in World War 1 somewhere in France. There has to be some irony there.

Joyce Kilmer 1886–1918.

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

Sorry if it's a trite one. It was new to me.

Heat Vision and Jack (Again)

I posted about it before, and supplied a torrent for an (the?) episode.
It's now been made available via YouTube for you torrently challanged. Check it out.


Fancy Pants Adventure

This game is everything a small flash game should be. It's fun, beautifully done, smooth. It comes with fancy pants.
Suffice to say I thought it was good fun. But then I like staring at traffic so I don't know what that counts for.


These are (self proclaimed) poorly drawn cartoons inspired by spam subject lines.
There's some gold in there.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Tuttle Ownage

It is evident that the City Manager of Tuttle Oklahoma is an idiot.
In the linked page you can read his angry correspondence with the guy behind CentOS, a Linux version, for "taking over his site".

As of this time I hacked the site! they still haven't fixed it...
Go ahead. Tell on me to the FBI.


Ample Links

Is this too much? Let me know.

Call Center - So that's how it goes on the other side... (may give a "service unavailable" message. Try a couple more times if so.)

Good Year - Because good tires could save your life.

Flying Cat - Pretty extreme, even for feline kind.

Coffee Art - I just need to find a way to get this guy to make me my morning coffee.

The Power of Good Makeup - I'm pretty sure the 5th one down is a man.

Eiffel Tower - The view from the top of it. Neat.

Overloaded - Extremely overloaded vehicles. Funny people...

And finally, this is a cool video clip by the Super Furry Animals. I really liked the exploding earth puppet.

Friday, March 24, 2006


Griffiths's Introduction To Genetic Analysis.
I had to look for it quite a bit before finally finding it. I doubt anyone reading this will need it, but here it is nonetheless.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Sick Panda

I've been feeling much like a wet sock the past couple of days, fever and chills included.
I'll post again once I can get my eyes to focus properly...

Monday, March 20, 2006

Silly Videos

Silly videos is my thing today.

We have:

That guy's narcolepsy trigger appears to be snakes.

I don't know this guy. But I will casually mention that Yuval used to play WoW...

And finally, these babies seem to be ineptly attacking that pink woman.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Can't take my eyes off of you

I recently re-stumbled across this song after not having heard it for years. I find it very touching.

לא יכול להוריד ממך את העיניים
לחן: מאיר אריאל
מילים: מאיר אריאל

לא יכול להוריד ממך את העיניים
מעינייך הנראות כתגליות
לא יכול להוריד ממך את העיניים
משפתייך המפיקות מרגליות

באמת אחרי כל כך הרבה שנים
אפילו מהבוקר עוד לפני שתרחצי פנים
וביושבך ממלמלת למראה
משתנה כל שניה כל תנועה

לא יכול להוריד ממך את העיניים
רק יותר ויותר מתמגנט
לא יכול להוריד ממך את העיניים
רק יותר ויותר מתהפנט

וכשכבר נדמה לי שאני עולה על השביל
שאלי גנך הסודי אותי יוביל
דוקא אז את מכה אותי בסנוורים
בקסמי הפשטות של הדברים

ארגוני נשים מתנפלים עלי בתוכחה
שאני עוזב עלייך את כל עול הבית והמשפחה מה שנכון
אבל מה אעשה אין לי פנאי, לא אין לי פנאי
לא יכול להוריד ממך את עיני

וכשאת תופסת מרחק את לא כאן בכלל
אז אני כמו החתן המרחף מהציור של מארק שגל
זה לך אות: כל מקום בו תלכי תדרכי
תעמדי ופתאום תחייכי

לא יכול להוריד ממך את העיניים
יפתי יפתי יפתי
לא לא לא לא לא אוריד ממך את העיניים
יפתי יפתי יפתי


Friday, March 17, 2006

Robot Chicken

Robot Chicken is a crazy stop motion animation series by Seth Green and another guy I don't know. It's random and somewhat insane. Seth is one talented fella.
Google is offering some chicken goodness:

St. Patrick's Day Love

I enjoy this day. Much like Purim, it offers the masses the opportunity to dress like fools and celebrate something we don't completely understand by drinking way too much.

Here's a selection of most festive links:
  • How Stuff Works have compiled an interesting article on the day and the man who was. Did you know he's most known for driving all the snakes out of Ireland?
  • To get you in the Irish state of mind you can download Danny Boy and listen to it on repeat until you're confident you can sing it with a few pints of Guiness in ya... (need to change file ending to .mp3). Also - [Lyrics]. Beautiful song.
  • Fake your very own Irish accent.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


This game won "Best in Show" in E3 2005.
Basically, it lets you play god. The player creates a creature and follows it through its different life cycles and evolution. Or so I gather.
edit: I should probably mention this is just a video of the game shouldn't I? Folks - this is just a video of a guy showing the features of the game.

Here's an explanatory video Yuval sent me. Give it a look - the game looks amazing. A kind of really cool civilization mixed with sim city.
[Game Site]


That ride must also include an anal probe...

Steak & BJ

FYI: Today, March 14th, is "Steak an BJ Day". That's right.
Nothing fancy. There's no need for cards, flowers, going out to a posh restaurant. Just steak. And then a BJ. It's so simple it's beautiful.

Frank Caliendo

Frank Caliendo is a member of the cast of MADtv (which sucks horribly in my opinion). However, he does some of the best impressions I've seen.

If you wanna hear more of his stuff there are some mp3s of his act here.

Monday, March 13, 2006


There are others like it I'm sure, but KeepVid offers a very easy way of saving embedded videos from most video sites known to modern man.
[How Handy]

The Cat with Hands

This is an old video I stumbled across again.
A somewhat scary tale of a cat with aspirations.

Tom Hanks

You'll always be Forrest Gump to us.
[Momma always said]

Friday, March 10, 2006

Yakko's World

A classic Animaniacs song - Yakko recites the nations of the world.
Also available on YouTube - quality is somewhat worse.

For more nostalgia there are some fun videos on google.

Here's a cd of Animaniacs songs. You can also get a few directly here.

PacMan Wheels

OMGH4xorzBBQ! Sweet!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Robotic Mule

It's a robotic mule creature, being developed as an all terrain unit by the army. Or maybe as recreation for those desolate bases.
It's really life-like in its movements, and even when being kicked it manages to keep its balance, very much like a real animal would.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


The trailer looks good. Mainly cause it has the Juggernaut smashing through walls.
[and I got a bitch with me.. we're gonna have a fuckin rape party]

I suspect the internet has poisoned my mind enough for one day. Good night.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Overheard in Chicago

When I have the time I like reading silly humorous things, from bash through zug to maddox.
These are all things overheard in Chicago, by random people, and collected on one page. There are some gems there.

Splash Back

An addictive little bitch.
[Splash Back]

Rude Awakenings

I once fell asleep in front of the tv, and just as I came to the picture zoomed in on some horribly mangled face and that was the first thing I saw as I opened my eyes... ruined the rest of my day.
[Rude Awakenings]

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman is a gangsta ho.
Much respect Natalie...
edit: the video was taken down. Here's a different mirror.

I once saw a funny video with her on some talk show, and upon being asked what her favorite swear word is, she replied with a hearty "Kus'Emek!". I couldn't find it though Here it is!

Here's a completely redundant tribute a fellow Portman fan has compiled.
I can't believe I never saw her while she was here in Jerusalem. Fate, how you mock me!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Super Mario Race

These two guys race each other on Super Mario, ~2002, NES, complete with nerdy cheers and crappy music. Quite possibly the best thing I've seen in a few hours...
Watch the end for the photo finish.

Aerial Shots of Mazes

Large scale mazes are already pretty cool. Seen from above they're almost artsy.

Real Simpsons

I think this was done by the original show's creators, wasn't it? Sure looks professional enough.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Not Funny

Is what I felt while looking for post-worthy material... and I sifted baby!
All apologies for the lack of updates.

In the meantime - I'm enjoying the Goldfrapp album Supernature I got from here. Especially track #2.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Kurid Madagascar

I can get my groove on with that.

Einstein Bot

Freaky Einstein (he's a phisicist) brought to you by the Hansons. Wonder what happened to the Hansons?

Heat Vision and Jack

This show came out in 1999 and I don't think was ever actually aired. Jack Black is a super intelligent renegade astronaut and parodying Night-Rider is Owen Wilson as his talking motorcycle...
It looks totally awesome.

Here's a fine torrent for three one episode split into three parts. The quality is less than shiny, but very watchable.

Groovy Car

Yes. There's a tiny Asian man inside.